Wednesday, 10 March 2021


Creating my animatic
The process of creating my animatic was confusing because I had to finalise my backgrounds.
The animatic helped me understand camera angles and how it transitions between frames. It also helped me test out my soundtrack.

The backgrounds were painted on photoshop, imported to toon boom storyboard pro and the characters were drawn over. The transitions, effects and adjustments were then made.


Monday, 1 March 2021


The sound is a key aspect of storytelling. Therefore I had to identify what sound was relevant in each scene. Often in film production, certain sound effects are isolated in order to create more impact in a story.

Using my storyboard I identified what sound is needed for each scene in my film.

notes assigning sound to each shot

I sourced some of the sounds by recording my voice and environment using my phone and the rest from a website known as zapsplat

I composed the different sounds on Toonboom storyboard pro and placed it under a very rough animatic to personally understand how to place it on a more refined animatic and final production.
I am currently refining the animatic to make it more understandable to anyone else and practising how to blend the sounds to create smoother sound effects. 

Rough Animatic (Personal)

Time passing

The film spans over a period of about a year, however seeing that its only a 2 minute film I struggled with making the time passing. My firs...